Friday, January 2, 2015

70 is the new 50

Poul knew that I wanted to throw a big 70th birthday party to
celebrate the completion of our fondly know as the Reconstruction.,  But the walls are still out, the kitchen is missing and we are basically living in the cottage behind our house, only returning to work in my office or sleep.  There is a 6000 piece jigsaw racing the reno for completion.

But rather than nag to keep the projects on schedule, and make us both miserable, I have changed my attitude and will live like this as long as it takes.  As long as it is moving forward, the pace is irrelevant and I am confident that I will be happy with the house when we are done.  Next blog I will write about the many skills I've learned as a result of doing it ourselves.  But now I want to tell you about my 70th Birthday Party.  But first...

Stacy and Justin
 The Christmas trip to Victoria followed closely on the heels of our  Florida/Western Caribbean trip ( arranged to coincide with a Basketball Tournament in Ft. Myer where we won Gold in the 55+ division);
a trip to Vancouver to spend Christmas Eve with Stacy's family (Poul's daughter);

Syren, Cori, Talis, Me and Des
Mark, Me, Sandi and Ethan

Christmas Day with my daughter Cori and her kids, Syren (13) and Talis (12);

and on Boxing Day, my other daughter, Sandi, held an Open House in Victoria with Mark and son, Ethan (4).

Poul said we should take it easy, get a hotel suite, stay in Victoria st Helms Inn so I could visit my sister, Barbara and we could go out to dinner with our good friends, George and Cheryl.
 Whatever!  By this time I was pretty spaced out, responding to Cheryl's email that "we could get all dressed up for dinner at my
favorite restaurant on the water" by dropping in at the Bay where I had my pick of nice dresses...Boxing Week Sales!


The Glo Restaurant was indeed beautiful and festive with live music playing and Christmas lights galore.  I saw a big table with everyone busy with their backs to us and then they all turned and yelled Surprise.  Here are pictures from the evening.

If you were there, thanks for the cards, the gifts and making the journey to create such a special evening.  I love each of you for different reasons.

Stew, Gloria, Hugh, Me, Beth Sherry and Dianne
Usually people don't get to see 50 friends from their past gathered like that until they pass away...and then what do they see????   It will always be one of my favorite memories...and how you could have all kept the secret!  Even 4 year old Ethan who said "I wasn't supposed to tell."

Special thanks to Poul for organizing, the conspiracy facebook crew for spreading the word and to  Sandi who provided the cake.

Arlene, Caroline, Me, Janine
Loraine,Karen & Jack (coach)
There were teacher collegues, former basketball teammates, students, family and neighbours.
Brother Len , Sue, Me, nephew David, Mike and sister Barbara
with my best friend Arlene.

Some friends I hadn't seen for many years while others I see often.

The food consisted of gourmet appetizers and we ate
Neighbours Joe & Mary, Me,
Merv & Bev,Mark's parents
500 of them!
Hans, Me and Marcella (Teachers)

There was lots to drink and a delicious cake... though leaning over the cake I got icing all over my boobs trying to blow out the last pesky candle.

blowing out the candles

If there are more pictures which I should include, please send them to me.  Fine Memories.

Christie, Me, my kids Bill & Sandi and Rachel
Christie and Rachel I coached in high school.
Monica, Me, Justin & Stacy

Me with George and Cheryl...innocent dinner at Cheryl's favorite place
upper right Megan (Cheryl & George's daughter)
lower left Stewart & Dianne