Saturday, April 11, 2020

Recipe for Growing Young

What do you mean I can reverse my age and start growing younger instead of growing older?
Age Reversal is the most recent aspect of living a healthy fit life.

First there was EXERCISE. We were told to build muscle, lose fat, develop stamina, balance and flexibility.
Next there was HYDRATION. Everyone had to drink water constantly. Coke, coffee and alcohol were diuretics. Skip those.
Then came LOW CARBOHYDRATE DIETS. Cut out the sugar and white stuff which just turned to glucose. Skip juices...they're mostly sugars.

NOW....if we take the MOLECULES daily we will become A YEAR YOUNGER EVERY SIX WEEKS.

What's this all about? Hormesis. 
73 at 200 lbs.
Polar Bear 2017
What's that?  It's an adaptive stress response. When we stress our body, either by exercise or immersing in cold water or holding our breath or by fasting, we are not harming our bodies. On the contrary, the stress response or hormesis is  beneficial to the body. In fact regular intellectual pursuits are beneficial for the brain because hormetic pathways in neurons are activated. (Scarmeas and Stern,2003)

75 at 168 lbs.
Polar Bear 2020
Not as simple as all that. I'm not going to get into the science of this. Read Dr. David Sinclair's book Lifespan: Why We Age-- and Why We Don't Have To

 Poul and I read his book and then listened to it on audible books. Sinclair gained two disciples and we sent for the molecules right away. 
You know I have been exercising, We took the Wim Hof course to develop control over our autonomic systems. We are mostly eating Keto. We do Intermittent Fasting from Sunday evening until Tuesday morning and now we are taking the age reversal molecules every morning as are starting to appreciate the results.

BEFORE           AND                 AFTER

You can tell I've lost over twenty pounds and now my age spots on my hands have disappeared. I've stopped colouring my hair and have plenty of energy. No naps anymore. Life is Good!!!

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