Saturday, April 11, 2020

Replacement Parts for Bionic Woman

It's 2020 but I'm writing about the past few years.

In 1965, the University of Victoria won it's first of many Canadian Championships. It was prior to the formation of the Inter-university schedule and tournaments and was a Junior A division for athletes under twenty-one. It was the first of seven Canadian Titles for me and instrumental in my being chosen to play in the Senior A division for many years as to go on to the Canadian National team from 1969-75.
At the Victoria hosted Canadian finals of the Vikes (they've dropped the "ettes" for the sake of equality!) in 2017, our original championship team gathered together to be honoured by the university. What fun! I hadn't seen these ladies since we had played in Montreal in '65.

The focal events of 2017, from a perspective view of recovery, were  two surgeries. In July, I had my left hip replaced. The October Huntsman Games 2016 was the last straw for my bone-on-bone joint. We received the Bronze medal in the Gold Division... thankfully because, had we won that game, we would have had to play two more to be in the finals. As it was, I dragged myself off the court, spent months on physiotherapy and chiropractic adjustments and massage, hoping to be able to walk properly.

Finally with the help of Dr. Masri, orthopedic surgeon at UBC, I was on the road to recovery; literally, going around the block with a walker. Poul proved an excellent caregiver. I knew I wouldn't be playing in any tournaments in 2017.
Me doing pull-ups!

Since I had to take the year off, I decided to have the right knee replaced as well as soon as possible. No sense having more time away from sport than necessary, I figured. In September, once again at UBC Hospital, I received my new right knee. This was not an easy recovery like the hip! I wouldn't be playing that next year as well. But I organized the teams anyway and without me they were able to win the Gold medal, beating Brazil in the Finals for 70+ in the 2018 Huntsman Games. Go Legacy!

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